We are Rotting In Place a punk fusion band based in Milton-Freewater, Oregon. Our mission is to keep the Punk scene alive and thriving.

Feast your ear holes on our new single!


Chris “Candy” Worthing is a family man from a small town called Milton-Freewater where he grew up skating and causing mayhem and is the vocalist of Rotting In Place.


Shep is our audio engineer, a mean lyricist and the rowdiest hypeman this side of planet earth... and the only one of us that can roll a blunt.


Mark is a family man, we found him in a swamp using frogs and mushrooms as a drum kit... he's upgraded since then.


Newest member of the Rotting Cult.


"When this apparition appeared out of nowhere i threw a monkey wrench at him scared shitless. Turns out he just stands there and plays guitar"


Igor is our prop master, we found him in a toxic waste dumpster so we cleaned him up and made him the unofficial 5th member of the band.